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I'm Back!

Firstly I’d like to start by apologising for not posting in nearly two months on this blog. I got extremely carried away with returning to a very normal lifestyle and got caught up in all the excitement from things that I missed out on doing whilst being in the hospital.

I’ve been doing a lot recently and one of the most interesting and exciting things I did was a TEDTalk. Since the start of my time at hospital, I would watch a lot of inspirational talks by people all over the world and most of these were done through TED. People spoke about difficult situations they’ve faced,how they found the courage to overcome the situation. People have also spoken about new theories that they have found to be applicable to their lives. Since I also faced something extremely difficult and did find the strength to overcome it, I decided that I want to share this with people (through another platform other than this). The opportunity to speak at a TED event came up and I took it without thinking twice. The title of my TEDTalk was “Life in HD”. I will be posting a complete article regarding this TEDTalk tomorrow night so make sure to check that out!

Another interesting thing that I did recently was attend an outdoor music festival. In my first couple of blog posts I wrote about how I was extremely upset about the fact that I wasn’t able to see my favourite DJ- Martin Garrix, live at Ultra Hong Kong. EDM music is probably the music I listen to the most and I have always been a big fan of music festivals, name the music festival and I’ll probably be able to tell you quite a lot about it :)

So I attended Dragonland Music Festival which took place over two days. Because this is the first festival I have been to, I decided that I’d only attend one day, so obviously I chose to go for the night which the DJ’s were preforming. Famous headliners such as Zedd and Steve Aoki were at Dragonland and I can just say, it was the most amazing feeling to be able to attend this festival. It truly was something different, at one point in being in hospital I would sit at my computer and watch music festival after movies just dreaming and hoping to be able to make it there one day. It may not have been the biggest and craziest festival I want to attend but starting small and building my way up is how I want to do it.

Apart from returning to a normal lifestyle, my health has been great. My doctors are super impressed with what I am currently able to do and I will be starting Cardiac Rehabilitation in the coming weeks. Thankfully there have been no mess ups in the past two months and hopefully there will be none until my Heart-Transplant happens.

I want to close this post off with one of the most amazing videos I’ve seen all week. An Incredible story of a 5 Year-Old boy named Ari Schultz. This little fighter has had a tremendous amount of courage waiting for a heart-transplant and must have an amazing support system. On March 3rd, after waiting 211 days waiting for a heart, he received a transplant.

Check out the video below and make sure to help out his family by donating -

To read the next part of my story, click the link below -


 The importance of being an organ donor! 

The fact that signing up to be an Organ donor you could save up to eight human beings from dying is a bigger positive than you can imagine. Saving a humans life is one of the things people can sometimes only imagine of doing. Through the act of Organ Donation, YOU can change this. 


Organ Donation gives everyone the ability to save a life. In fact, your eyes could help someone you’ve never met see the world. Your organs could make someone on the edge of dying get their breath back. Organ Donation mostly takes place after a signed up Organ Donor has passed. There is an extremely large gap between the number of registered donors compared to those awaiting Organ Donation world wide. 


The way I look at it is like this - when you were a child, you probably had the idea of one day wanting to be a Super-hero. Once you pass, you will no longer be needing those organs and they could be put to great use by saving another human beings life. When a person receives an Organ Transplant, not only do you become their hero, but you also become a hero to the many people involved in his/her life. 

Sign up to be an Organ Donor in Hong Kong today!Click the image below -

Website designed and made by Krishna Jhangiani 

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